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Top Strategies for Integrating Visual Literacy in Education

I was in sixth standard when our school got its first smartboard system- we shifted from learning on the chalkboard to understanding concepts via...

7 Tips to Foster Post-Keynote Engagement

Imagine you are a keynote speaker at an event and have just delivered a powerful presentation on the importance of effective leadership in the...

The Podcasting Paradigm: 8 Reasons Why it is in Vogue

In today's fast-paced world, people constantly look for ways to fit more into their busy schedules- they prefer on-the-go and multitasking-friendly content that blends...

Tips to Integrate Mindfulness into Your Speech

“Am I standing right? Do people like me? Am I going too fast?” There are endless thoughts and questions that create a mental juggle...

Learn About 3 P’s to Conquer Public Speaking Anxiety

Are you anxious, cold, and blue when standing before the audience? Do your feet numb and nerves tickle after seeing a massive group of...

9 Sins of Public Speaking and Ways to Avoid Them

Have you ever attended a presentation or public event where you didn't click with the speaker? No matter how hard you tried, his speech...

The Art of Minimalism in Presentations: Why is it Important and Ways to Incorporate

We live in a world where attention spans fade quickly, and there is a truckload of distractions. To present our points in a way...

7 Tips to Deliver an Unforgettable Graduation Speech 

Congratulations, you have successfully completed your graduation! The time has come for the last goodbye, and you have been shouldered with the responsibility of...

Content and Design – The Essential Duo for a Successful Presentation

Allow us to share some intriguing facts with you. YouTube goes through more than 500 hours of video uploads every minute (as of 2021). Each day,...

The Art of Media Interviews: 8 Tips for Success

Media interviews can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from the adrenaline rush of being in the limelight to the nerves of anticipating tough questions....

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