8 Daily Habits to Become a Better Public Speaker

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In the dynamic arena of effective communication, mastering public speaking is a pivotal skill with far-reaching benefits. Whether addressing a boardroom, delivering a keynote, or engaging in casual dialogue, the ability to captivate an audience with clarity and confidence is invaluable. 

Contrary to popular belief, proficiency in public speaking is not solely innate; it is a skill that can be built through constant effort and intentional habits. Here, we delve into the daily practices that can elevate your public speaking prowess to new heights.

1. Learn a New Word Everyday

A diverse vocabulary is a powerful tool for articulating ideas precisely and eloquently. Make it a habit to expand your lexicon daily, incorporating new words and phrases into your speech.

Thus, learn a new word every day and challenge yourself to use it in a sentence during conversations or presentations. For example, if you learn “eloquent,” you might say, “Her eloquent speech left a lasting impression on the audience.”

2. Study Influential Speakers 

When it comes to elevating your communication skills, there is no better way than learning from those who are already experts in the field. One effective way to do this is by analyzing speeches and presentations by renowned orators and observing their delivery style, body language, and storytelling prowess. 

By carefully studying their techniques and approaches, you can identify the strengths that make them stand out and emulate them in your speaking style. At the same time, you can also identify strategies to adapt and integrate into your repertoire to make your speeches and presentations even more effective. 

3. Ensure Proper Body Language

Mastering the art of gesture and facial expression is pivotal in conveying confidence and fostering audience engagement. Cultivating these skills demands consistent practice of proper body language.

It means maintaining eye contact during everyday conversations, adopting an upright posture when interacting with friends or family, etc.

4. Harness the Power of Visualization Techniques 

Practicing visualization techniques can be incredibly helpful if you get nervous before getting on the stage. You can ease your pre-speech jitters and instill confidence by taking a few moments each day to visualize yourself giving a successful speech. 

Imagine standing before a receptive audience and delivering your message with clarity and conviction. This visualization can prime your mind for success and help you cultivate a calm and confident demeanor when facing speaking opportunities. 

So, if you’re feeling nervous about an upcoming presentation or speech, take some time to visualize your success – it makes all the difference!

5. Rehearse and Practice Every Day

If you want to master the art of public speaking, regular practice is the key. Dedicate a certain amount of time each day to hone your speaking skills, and try different techniques like rehearsing presentations, delivering impromptu speeches, or recording yourself for self-analysis. 

The more you immerse yourself in speaking, the more comfortable and polished your delivery will become. 

6. Get Involved in Speaking Communities 

Joining a public speaking community or group can be a great way to keep up with oratory practices regularly. These groups give you a supportive environment where you can develop your skills, participate in engagements, receive feedback from peers, etc.

Regular involvement in these groups provides a sense of camaraderie and accountability, which can accelerate your growth in speaking proficiency. Engaging with fellow speakers who share your passion for public speaking can build connections, gain meaningful insights, and notch up your skills in a safe and encouraging environment.

7. Utilize Self-Help Resources 

Enhance your communication skills and become a better public speaker with self-help literature. Several books, videos, and courses offer valuable insights and techniques to help you improve your speaking abilities. 

For instance, “Talk Like TED” by Carmine Gallo is an excellent video that will educate you on delivering compelling, persuasive, and memorable presentations. 

Watch here:

Similarly, “The Art of Public Speaking” by Dale Carnegie is a classic guide that provides practical tips for overcoming your public speaking fear and effectively connecting with your audience. 

By reading and applying the lessons from these resources, you can become a more confident and effective communicator, no matter your profession or background.

8. Maintain a Habit Tracker or Journal 

Maintain a habit tracker or journal to track your progress and reflect on the areas that need improvement. Setting specific objectives for skill development and monitoring your daily practices is vital to ensure consistency and accountability. 

Doing so lets you quickly analyze your performance and identify the key areas requiring more attention, leading to a more intriguing and efficient learning experience. In a habit tracker or journal, keep track of your speaking goals, progress, and reflections. Set specific objectives for skill improvement and monitor your daily practices to ensure consistency and accountability.


The journey to mastering public speaking is paved with deliberate practice, continuous learning, and a commitment to growth. Integrating these daily habits into your routine allows you to embark on a transformative path toward becoming a confident and captivating speaker. With dedication, perseverance, and consistency, you can unlock the potential of your speaking abilities, leaving an indelible mark on every audience you encounter.

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